Thursday, 2 February 2012

I'm Still Here...

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. There are many reasons why I've been a bit remiss. One is that I haven't been gardening - too busy, too cold! Another is that I haven't been garden visiting, for the same reasons! The good news though is that from September I will be semi-retired, of sorts! At the grand old age of 40 I am cutting my teaching down from five days to two. The idea actually is for me to spend more time composing music, my number one passion slightly ahead of gardening. But it also means I'll be able to spend more time in the garden, and I just can't wait. I'll also be able to spend more time reading other blogs, which I just don't get time to do at the moment. And this is all thanks to my wonderful partner, Huw, who is happy to keep bringing in the dough while I pursue my dreams. What a lucky boy I am!


  1. You're entitled to be busy, hehe! Good news with your decision, there's only one life to live :)

  2. Good luck. Teaching is so demanding, you never have time for yourself.

  3. Martin, sounds like you have a rosy future ahead of you from the beginning of September on :-)! I am happy for you. It is such a gift if we are able to pursue our passions. Looking forward to your blog posts when you have a little bit more time!

  4. Well that sounds like a wonderful decision.Good for you and good luck in your composing. More gardening is always wonderful too for us gardeners.

  5. Good luck with your plans. Can't beat more gardening I say!

  6. Good luck with your plans. Can't beat more gardening I say!

  7. Did you change your header pic? I love the one you have there now. Stunning! Good luck wirth the semi retirement - sounds like its going to be fun!

  8. What a great plan! Will you have (or do you have) a music blog? Looking forward to your Spring garden visit photos!

