Sunday, 29 April 2012

Cornwall Day Four - Trewidden

My first visit to Trewidden Gardens, near Penzance, revealed a garden of many hidden surprises and treats. First one encounters a tree fern dell, which was actually bombed during World War Two. Many of the tree ferns were blown out of the ground, but re-established themselves where they fell.

This Jelly Palm (Butia Capitata) is over 100 years old.

This Magnolia is the largest in Europe.

Here it is again - what a monster!

Trewidden has an impressive collection of Camellias.

I love the colour of this Azalea.

One of my favourite areas of the garden was a little wooded dell where carpets of pink Erythroniums grow. I've not seen the pink variety growing in such profusion. This little video might give you some idea, although the flowers do appear more white than pink here!


  1. It's a fantastic garden Martin, certainly a must see when staying in Penzance :)

  2. Definitely, along with Trengwainton, coming next!

  3. WOW Martin! The tree ferns are spectacular! I also LOVE the magnolia. For me…this seems almost like another world. Thank you for sharing!

    1. It's great to wander in and out of tree ferns, with some towering down over you!

  4. I would love to pay a visit to Trewidden Martin, even if it were just to see that amazing Magnolia. I have a lilac coloured Erythronium, I have never seen a pink variety.

  5. There's a surprising range of colours in the pink/ yellow / lilac range, and did you know the bulbs are edible?!

  6. The trouble with visiting all these beautiful gardens is that you want so many of the plants & ideas that others use. I'd need a garden the size of Australia to fit in everything that I fall in love with. I daren't visit a garden centre!! Beautiful photo's, bet that huge Magnoila is a beautiful sight when in full bloom.:-)

  7. You sound like a plantaholic after my own heart!

  8. It looks the gardens were designed around the foliage and the structure of the trees.
