Thursday 23 February 2012

Statuesque Rosemoor

My recent visit to Rosemoor in Devon was made all the more enjoyable by the excellent sculpture trail, running until 26th February. I'm not a sculpture lover but some of the pieces were stunning. There were over 100 exhibits by 20 artists. This is the third trail held at Rosemoor, and the next one opens on November 24th 2012.


  1. Some nice sculptures there I wouldn't mind having in our own garden. I doubt any of them will be within our price range though!

  2. Martin, I am the opposite of you, I love sculptures in the garden! Of course, only good ones ;-)! The sculptures that you show in this post are indeed quite interesting. My favorites are the first one and the Dove. Unfortunately usually the sculptures that I like are out of my price range, that is why there are none in my garden!

  3. What a brilliant idea to have an art installation to get one through a garden's "down period". I especially like the gourd-like pieces.

  4. Hi Martin,

    I just nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. Hope you haven't received one already! Please visit my blog for details.

